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Located in Ashburnham Ma since 1935


The purpose of the Fitchburg Sportsmen's Club, Inc. shall be to perpetuate, improve and foster interests and activities in the areas of hunting, fishing, conservation and outdoor recreation for this and future generations.


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Do I need a sponsor to join the club?
No, you do not need to be sponsored by a member to join the club, however, if you know someone that is a member please feel free to add their name when you apply.
Can members from NH use your ranges?
The Fitchburg Sportsmen's Club cannot interpret MA gun laws.  In fact they are so complex and confusing that nearly anyone can.  We can not be held liable for providing any legal advice.  To the best of our understanding after consulting with the Ashburnham Police Department it is perfectly legal for NH residents to transport firearms following MA laws to our ranges for use on the ranges.  We suggest that you have your membership card in your possession and research MA transportation laws prior to entering the state.
How do I get access to the gated sections of the property?
After completing New Member Orientation you will be provided with your membership card which will have the codes needed to access the gated portions of the property.

Gate codes WILL NOT be given out over the phone and should NEVER be shared with anyone else.  If someone tells you they forgot their card, have them contact us, either by phone or via the contact us link on the webpage.  You should always have your membership card with the gate codes on it when accessing the property.