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Located in Ashburnham Ma since 1935


The purpose of the Fitchburg Sportsmen's Club, Inc. shall be to perpetuate, improve and foster interests and activities in the areas of hunting, fishing, conservation and outdoor recreation for this and future generations.


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Welcome to the oldest continuously running sportsmen's club in the United States.

We are located in North Central Massachusetts in a large corridor of protected land.  The club was founded by a group of men from Fitchburg MA and moved to Ashburnham in the 1930's.  You can read more about the club's history on our History page.

The club has 900 acres of land, three ponds, both rifle and pistol ranges, and a trap range, as well as our clubhouse.

Visit our events page to see upcoming events that are open to the public.

We encourage you to browse our website to learn more and if you are interested in joining you can do it right on line.  
Member Signup / Information

Looking to get your LTC?

Fran Holder our Range Chairperson is a NRA Instructor and holds courses throughout the year weather permitting.  Find a date that works for your and sign up today.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming LTC Classes